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Administrative Cabinet

Dr. Carlondrea Hines,  Superintendent
Phone: 952-928-6001 | Email:

A superintendent oversees several important tasks including managing staff, maintaining budgets, monitoring student success, and furthering a vision for the district. The superintendent executes the priorities of the Strategic Plan.

Dr. Constance Robinson, Director of Student Services
Phone: 952-928-6068 | Email:

The Director of Student Services oversees all of the District's special needs programs and works closely with the Curriculum and Instruction team to assure quality programs for students and quality staff development. She administers the special education program, directs the student assistance staff, psychologists, counselors, health services, and develops and monitors all state and federal IDEA grants. She is also the District's section 504 Coordinator and Homeless Liaison.

Patricia Magnuson

Patricia Magnuson, Director of Business Services
Phone: 952-928-6009 | Email:

The Director of Business Services serves as the Chief Financial Officer of St. Louis Park Public Schools. She directs the Finance Department service functions, including financial accounting and reporting, cash management, revenues and investments, management information systems support, accounts payable, payroll, and grant accounting. She assists the Superintendent with strategic management and decision processes, and compliance with state, and Federal regulations. She oversees the School Nutrition program, the transportation program, and the district's Building and Grounds, as well as the Risk Management program in the District.

Patrick Duffy

Dr. Patrick Duffy, Director of Teaching, Learning & Leadership 
Phone: 952-928-6072 | Email:

The Director of Teaching, Learning & Leadership provides leadership and management in the areas of curriculum design and evaluation, instructional design and delivery, and digital learning.  The Director provides system level strategic leadership that in collaboration with building/program leaders results in instructional excellence and leads to racially unpredictable results through a consistent, rigorous and viable curriculum in all district schools. The Director leads professional development and capacity building of executive leaders, principals, and teacher leaders.

Jason Loewe

Jason Loewe, Director of Human Resources
Phone: 952-928-6066 | Email:

The Director of Human Resources provides leadership to the Superintendent and Board of Education on all employee matters for the District and works with administration, employees and union groups to create systems and policies that promote employee engagement and organizational effectiveness. Some of the human resource areas include the recruitment and retention of a high quality diverse workforce; effective and efficient employment procedures; competitive compensation and benefit systems; classification structures; performance management systems; policy compliance, EEOC, unemployment, workers compensation; negotiations and labor/employee matters.

Patrice Howard

Patrice Howard, Director of Community Education
Phone: 952-928-6063 | Email:

The Director of Community Education oversees all community education programs for the District including youth and adult enrichment activities, child care programs, the Early Childhood Family Education program, senior programs and adult basic education programs. The Director also oversees the District's Community Education Advisory Council. This citizens council meets monthly to make recommendations to the Director regarding community education programs. The Director also oversees the Facility Scheduler for the District including building rentals and leases.

Ashley Sukhu, Director of Communications 
Phone: 952-928-6064 | Email:

Under the direction of the Superintendent, the Director of Communications is responsible for effectively marketing and communicating about St. Louis Park Public Schools so that staff, families, and community members are well-informed. The Director of Communications collaborates and works closely with other administrators, staff, students, and the public in addressing and meeting the needs and goals of the District, and in performing various public relations responsibilities with families and within the community.

Tom Marble

Tom Marble, CETL, Director of Information Services
Phone: 952-928-6030 | Email:

The Director of Information Services oversees all technology and telecommunications operations. The Director oversees all technology support staff and the daily operations of technology and telecommunication services. The Director is responsible for developing the District's strategic technology planning. He is responsible for technology and telecommunications purchasing.

Silvy Lafayette

Dr. Silvy Un Lafayette, Director of Assessment, Research and Evaluation
Phone: 952-928-6074 | Email:

The Director of Assessment, Research and Evaluation provides leadership and oversees standardized instructional assessments, evaluation and data analysis for the District. She communicates achievement results to Board members, administrators, teachers and community members. In collaboration with administrators and teachers, she helps build an understanding of student performance as it relates to goal-setting, instructional planning and provides professional learning support for the use of data. She helps align assessments and evaluations with the District's strategic objective of closing the achievement gap.

Freida Bailey

Freida Bailey, Principal on Special Assignment
Phone: 952-928-6062 | Email:

As Principal on Special Assignment, Freida coordinates the development, implementation, and administration of policies and procedures to ensure compliance with Federal and State law, regulations, and rules regarding Title I, II, and III programs, and American Indian Education Aid. She also oversees the District's team of Multicultural Liaisons, the District's racial equity coaches, and professional development opportunities for teachers and staff.