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Elementary Report Cards

St. Louis Park Public Schools uses a standards-based report card for all elementary students.

Standards-based report cards provide communication tool for families and align to the district’s curriculum and classroom expectations while focusing on your child’s strengths and successes.

The standards-based elementary report cards are helpful in many ways:

  • They provide a better and more accurate communication tool for families.
  • They align to the district’s curriculum and classroom expectations.
  • They focus on your child’s strengths and successes.
  • You will know exactly how your child is doing based on the standards. You will learn which big ideas and concepts your child has learned and also what work still needs to be done to make sure they are ready for the next grade level.
  • You will learn your child’s progress toward meeting Social Emotional Learning standards like managing emotions, having empathy for others, establishing positive relationships and making responsible decisions.
  • They also report on Spanish proficiency for students in Dual Language Immersion (DLI) programs.

Rather than giving number grades (1-4), K-5 teachers will be reporting on your child’s progress toward grade level expectations, or standards, that they should meet by the end of the school year.

How to read your child's elementary report card

Rather than averaging scores over the quarter, the standards-based elementary report cards report on your child’s progress toward grade level expectations, or standards, that students should meet by the end of the school year.

Remember: The performance indicators do not correlate to number grades (1-4) used in the past.

Performance Indicators

  • (E) Emerging—Begins to show initial understanding of standard
  • (Dv) Developing—Is developing understanding of standard
  • (M) Meeting—Consistently meets standard
  • (Ex) Exceeding—Consistently exceeds standard (/)—Not assessed at this time

Foundational skills in reading

Report cards also report on a set of five skills that the Common Core State Standards have identified as the foundation for becoming a proficient reader.

  • Print Concepts
  • Phonological Awareness
  • Phonics Word Recognition
  • Fluency

Language Proficiency

English Language Development for students whose native language is not English—Teachers use observation tools to report how students whose native language is not English are acquiring English language.

Spanish proficiency for students in Dual Language Immersion and Developmental Bilingual Education programs—Teachers use observation tools to report how students in DLI and DBE programs are acquiring Spanish language as per grade level Spanish Proficiency benchmarks.