Enrollment Center
Welcome to St. Louis Park Public Schools!
Thank you for your interest in St Louis Park Public Schools. We are so excited that you have chosen to enroll your student(s) in our school district!
Kindergarten Enrollment 2025-26
All prospective families seeking to enroll their kindergarten student(s) for the next school year 2025-26 must complete an enrollment form. If your address is not within the boundaries of St. Louis Park, please complete the Open Enrollment Application.
Enrolling for Current School Year 2024-25
All prospective families seeking to enroll their student(s) for the current school year 2024-25 must complete an enrollment form. If your address is not within the boundaries of St. Louis Park, please complete the Open Enrollment Application.
Enrolling for Next School Year 2025-26
All prospective families seeking to enroll their student(s) for next school year 2025-26 must complete an enrollment form. If your address is not within the boundaries of St. Louis Park, please complete the Open Enrollment Application.
Find Transportation Options
Contact us
Hours: 7:30 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
Email: enrollment@slpschools.org
Grades K-5: 952-928-6057
Grades 6-12: 952-928-6023
Address: 6300 Walker St, St. Louis Park, MN 55416, Enter through Door 1.
Update your student's information
This year, we have made it easier to update your information. Use the forms below as needed. If your information is not changing, you don't need to complete these forms. If you have any questions, please contact the Enrollment Center at enrollment@slpschools.org or call for Grades: K-5: 952-928-6057 or Grades 6-12: 952-928-6023.
- Complete the Address/Contact Change Request Form
- Complete the Address Change Open Enrollment Application