Continuous Improvement Plans
We are dedicated to creating the best learning environment for each student. One key tool we use to support this mission is our Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP). Here’s an overview of what a CIP is, why it matters, and what you can expect as we work together throughout the school year.
A CIP is a document that outlines a school's goals and priorities for improving student outcomes. SLP CIPs include four components:
- Plan for improvement
- Implement strategies
- Evaluate and study progress throughout the year
- Improve
- Aquila Elementary School
- Peter Hobart Elementary School
- Park Spanish Immersion
- Susan Lindgren Elementary School
- St. Louis Park Middle School
- St. Louis Park High School
- Early Learning
Aquila Elementary School
Summary of the Aquila Elementary Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
Each teacher will demonstrate knowledge of focal students’ strengths and growth edges via two CARE team cycles focused on literacy (reading, writing, speaking, listening). |
Third through fifth grade students will increase reading proficiency from 49.33% to 52% based on MCA data. |
Third through fifth students will increase their math proficiency from 53.97 % to 55.97 % based on MCA data. |
Social workers and counselors will use Tier I SEL lessons and gather baseline data around students’ needs beyond these lessons. |
Peter Hobart Elementary School
Summary of the Peter Hobart Elementary Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
All teachers during the two CARE Cycles will focus on collaboration with SPED for academic scaffolds and behavioral deescalation techniques. |
We will transform and improve our literacy instruction through our collective implementation of CCC (being a reader) to increase the PH total % of students who meet the FAST benchmark (low risk/college pathway) from 59.5% in Fall 2023 to at least 62% (in Spring 24) based on FAST. |
We will improve our math instruction through our collective implementation of Bridges to increase the typical growth or above in MAP Math for grades 2-5. PH total % of students who meet projected growth for MAP Math 39.1% in Fall-Spring 2022-23 to 41.1% for Fall-Spring 2023-24. |
During the 2024-25 school year, Peter Hobart Elementary School will increase the use of non-exclusionary discipline practices by 30%. |
Park Spanish Immersion
Summary of the Park Spanish Immersion Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
Each teacher will collaborate and document at least two CARE cycles related to culturally relevant literacy. |
On the spring 2025 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments in Reading, student proficiency will increase from 71.5% to 75% demonstrating mastery of the Minnesota ELA standards. |
On the spring 2025 Minnesota Comprehensive Assessments in Math, student proficiency will increase from 76.2% to 80% demonstrating mastery of the Minnesota math standards. |
We will document all family engagement opportunities and evaluate the effectiveness/alignment of the Strategic Plan of these events from families’ perspectives. PSI will increase the “La Prensa” newsletter open rate from 77% to 80% as measured by Constant Contact |
Susan Lindgren Elementary School
Summary of the Susan Lindgren Elementary School Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
During the 2024-25 school year, all Susan Lindgren CARE Teams will collaborate on at least two complete CARE cycles. The CARE cycles must include 1 cycle in Literacy and 1 cycle in Math. |
The percentage of ALL students’ MCA reading (grades 3-5) proficiency will increase by 2% from 54.9% to 56.9% by the spring of 2025. Proficiency is defined as an increase in students meeting or exceeding standards in MCA reading grades 3-5. Baseline data is spring 2024 data. |
The percentage of ALL students’ MCA math (grades 3-5) proficiency will increase by 2% from 56.4% to 58.6% the spring of 2025. Proficiency is defined as an increase in students meeting or exceeding standards in MCA reading grades 3-5. Baseline data is spring 2024 data. |
During the 2024-25 school year, 75% of the staff will achieve the level of proficient or distinguished in the TDE Rubric. (We will focus on these specific quadrants.) Ia-Collaboration with Colleagues to improve student learning. Id- Support of School District Initiatives mission, vision and core values. IIId - Classroom culture of collaboration and respect ( Ubuntu) |
St. Louis Park Middle School
Summary of the St. Louis Park Middle School Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
All teachers will implement two CARE Cycles focused on valuing student experiences into their instruction. |
The percentage of students grades 6-8 proficient in math will increase from 32.1% to 37.1% as measured by the 2025 MCA Math Test. |
ML Students will increase their average ACCESS Speaking proficiency score from 2.6 to 3.0 as measured by the 2025 ACCESS speaking test. |
Professional Development around Critical Consciousness: Collaborative Teams:
Professional Development provided on:
100% of MS teachers will communicate with families what will be taught in their courses each year and at the start of each unit and when summatives will occur. |
All MS Courses will create a public facing document of their course to be posted on the website. All MS teachers will email families at the start of each unit and one week prior to the summative due/scheduled with department lead included. |
St. Louis Park High School
Summary of the St. Louis Park High School Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
By Spring 2025, 100% of the teaching staff at SLPHS will engage in aligning content standards, scope and sequence, and culturally relevant curriculum design as part of the CARE Team process during the first year of a 5-year plan. |
Define Engage
Professional Development (staff meetings):
Develop Racially Equitable Written Curricular Unit Planners:
Learning Targets w/ Success criteria determining proficiency |
By end of semester 2 (spring 2025) SLPHS will increase the retention of students of color enrolled in AP and IB classes by 2% |
Review & revise advanced coursework pathways in the Math and ELA departments to increase access and retention to these courses: Math - Align College-Prep Algebra with the IB Math Applications SL course; continue professional development in the curriculum and instruction of AP Precalculus. ELA - Realign English 11 and 12 pathways with the IB SL and HL offerings, removing “English 11” and “English 12” as pathway options. Develop Racially Equitable Written Curricular Unit Planners:
Student feedback on their experiences in advanced courses (i.e. survey data, focus groups) Registration process with BOLT & counseling department |
SLPHS will reduce the number of Fs from semester 1 and 2 of 2024 to semester 1 and 2 of 2025 through the implementation of the Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) by 2% by spring of 2025. |
Professional Development:
MTSS Tier 1:
Reduce the number of SUS/DIS of Black students by 5% through a deepened understanding of non-exclusionary practices and intentional implementation of restorative practices by June 2025. |
3 Pillar Focus: Students, Staff, & Community Ensure all discipline referrals are logged in PowerSchool (ie. class removal), to quantify instructional time lost. Disaggregate past 2 years of data to understand themes and patterns contributing to disproportionate use of exclusionary practices with black students. Review RP & Park PRIDE/PBIS implementation in alignment with Policy 506 STUDENTS: STAFF: COMMUNITY: |
Early Learning
Summary of the Early Learning Continuous Improvement Plan (CIP)
Through the lens of the Cultural Competence rubric, teachers will examine their racial identities and consider how these understandings shape their instruction and impact their relationships with students. |
Foster the development of self-identity for students and their families through integrating culturally relevant literacy instruction during the SY25. |
Professional Development - Gholdy Muhammed - Cultivating Genius - Five Pursuits Activities |
Create a formal MTSS process for Central Early Learning Center students and staff. By August 2025, develop and implement a formal MTSS process at Central Early Learning Center. |
Draft/design a MTSS framework by Fall 2024.
(PD) Examine MTSS
Asset Mapping
PD Big Questions for Young Minds - Extending Children’s Thinking