Location: St. Louis Park City Hall Council Chambers
- Tuesday, June 13, 2023 (Study Session)
- Tuesday, June 27, 2023 (Open Forum, Regular Business Meeting)
- Tuesday, Aug. 8, 2023 (Regular Business Meeting)
Meetings will be live streamed to the District's YouTube channel. We also invite community members to subscribe to Board Briefs, the SLP school board newsletter which highlights key happenings of board members or view past editions in English, Spanish or Somali.
The School Board holds Open Forum at each Business Meeting, which occurs on the fourth Tuesday of every month. To participate in Open Forum, please complete this sign-up form by 3 p.m. on the day of the meeting at which you would like to address the School Board. If a month only has one meeting (December and August), no Open Forum will be held that month. You can contact the School Board at any time by emailing schoolboard@slpschools.org.