Gymnastics 2024-2025
Pre-season Parents Meeting-
Thursday November 7th- 5:30pm at Central Community Center in the Gymnastics Gym, Door 12
A second parents meeting will be held on November 14th at 7:15pm for any parents who could not attend the pre-season meeting
Abi Oppegaard Sophie Miller Veronica Jones |
All practices are located at the Central Community Center Gymnastics Gym.
Practice M-Th 5-7pm
Friday 4:30-6pm (unless otherwise stated)
All athletes are expected to attend weightlifting with Mrs. Gust
Wednesdays 3:30pm after school, and Saturdays 8 am.
Central Community Center
6300 Walker Street
St. Louis Park, MN 55416
Season practice is held
Monday - Thursday 5:00- 7:00 pm
Friday 4:30-6:30 pm
Coaching Staff
Rules & Expectations
Daily Practice Information and Attendance:
Practice is held Monday-Thursday from 5-7pm, and Fridays 4:30-6:30pm unless otherwise stated. Athletes are expected to be at practice on time everyday unless excused circumstances arise. Please talk with Dawn about conflicts ASAP.
We look at team commitments in two ways, a Varsity commitment for athletes who are serious about
contending to letter, or a JV commitment for athletes with less ability to commit to the team. A Varsity
commitment attends practice everyday for the full practice, other then excused absences or circumstances. A JV committee athlete must attend 3 practices a week, including meets, and must work out the practice
schedule with Dawn ahead of time. All athletes are expected to attend weightlifting with Mrs. Gust
Wednesdays 3:30pm after school, and Saturdays 8 am.
*If you miss a practice or you are going to be late or leave early, you need to bring a note explaining where
you were. Valid notes must be from parents, teachers, or doctors, and must be given to Dawn before the
missed practice if known it will be missed, or before the next practice the gymnast attends.
*Gymnasts or Parents please notify Dawn at of these instances
Excused and Unexcused absences:
* An excused absence includes illness, religious conflicts or holidays, family vacation, staying late at school with a teacher, or other academic events.
If you are absent from school all day, you are excused from practice, but a parent must email Dawn at before practice begins that day.
* An unexcused absence includes homework, babysitting, work, haircuts, dates, not feeling like coming to practice, or being injured. If you are injured, you must still attend all practices unless otherwise organized with a coach.
* One unexcused absence will result in a phone call and/or meeting with parents and missing of a meet or not competing in an event.
* Two unexcused absences will result in dismissal from the team
*Gymnasts and coaches will help to wipe down and sanitize mats and equipment at the end of each practice.
Practice Needs
Bring the following things to practice with you everyday
• Water bottle/ bottles
• *Athletic tape* Due to low training supplies and availability athletes will be required to bring their own tape in case they cannot be seen buy the trainer or get injured at practice and need to be taped
• Grips/braces
• Leotard, shorts, sweatshirt, pants
• Tennis shoes or Running shoes
• Snack
*Every gymnast will help pick up the gym after practice each day. This includes water bottles, personal belongings, mats, and garbage. We ar all responsible for keeping the gym clean
The school and team policy for meets is as follows:Athletes must be at practice the day before and must attend at least ½ a day of school in to be eligible to compete.
*Gymnasts are expected to be on the bus and at the Community Center on time!
If you are released from school early for a meet, athletes are to use that time to get changed into your warmups and get to the Central Community Center to catch the bus or set up equipment. *Gymnasts who are late due to other activities may be subject to disciplinary action
*Bring your warm up leotard, jacket, pants, and competition leotard to every meet, even if you are not
competing. Bring a water bottle, your own healthy snacks, grips, tiger paws, and anything else you need.
Uniform information:*Underwear must be skin color or the matching leotard color. Thongs are not allowed. Bra straps must match the color of the leotard or not show. Black shorts are allowed as long as the logo is smaller then 1 inch in diameter.
*No Jewelry during competition, including all earrings, no exceptions. Jewelry and Glitter are prohibited
from competition per High School league rules. Violation results in a reduction of the individual and team
*Nail polish is allowed, but must be a neutral color, containing no glitter.
* Away Meets information: *Gymnasts must ride the bus to and from away meets. In the event of an injury or illness the gymnast may
leave with a parent or guardian.
*If there is an extenuating circumstance for which you would like to take your athlete home from an away
meet you must contact Dawn ahead of time for approval.
*No phones allowed by athletes at competition anytime, per High School League Rules.
*All gymnasts will help with the competition through the following ways: carrying the board, move and
hold mats, flash scores, and run music.
Home Meets:*Gymnasts are expected to come straight to the gym once released from school and start setting up the gym
for competition. You will be assigned an event or task to set up. Once you finish this task, go help others with
their tasks. The more help we have, the faster set up is done, the more time we have to rest before the meet
* Gymnasts are required to stay after home meets conclude to help put the gym back in order. No
exceptions. Parents are welcome to help.
*You will not use alcoholic beverages, tobacco, or any other controlled substances. You have signed off on the MSHSL form stating that this is for the entire year, including summer. We follow MSHSL rules for any instances of this.
*You must maintain scholastic eligibility. Passing grades and a GPA of 2.0 and higher. If your grades are below a C, please speak with a coach about necessary steps to get back to eligibility status.
Lettering is comprised of your attendance, and your competition.
* You must compete in 5 varsity meets or score higher than a varsity competitor whose score counts towards the team score. This means you must score as high as or higher than the top four scores.
* No more than 10 absences (excused or unexcused) are allowed in order to letter.
*Exceptions to this policy include religious conflicts, like the Sabbath, or extended illness, i.e., being in the hospital, developing COVID-19, or sick with another long-term illness, for more than four days with a doctor’s note, and coaches’ discretion.
*Cell phones are to be left in your bag for the remainder of practice. If you need to use your phone, you
must ask for permission first. Extreme use of cell phones without coaches permission, or not pertaining to
practice will be taken as an inability to follow the rules and expectations, and may result in further action.
*You need to have a positive attitude towards all gymnastics, coaches, judges, and your parents. We are all
working together to make this the best experience for you and the team. This means setting and striving for
your goals, making an effort to master new skills, allowing input from your coaches and captains, and
speaking and acting respectfully to all. Failure to do so may get your removed from a competition, practice,
or the team.
***At practice if this is becoming an issue, gymnasts will receive a warning/ talking to. If the issue
continues, the gymnast will be asked to sit out of practice or miss the next days practice. The practice
missed will be counted as an unexcused absence. If this occurs and causes the gymnast to miss practice the
night before a competition, they will also be missing competing in that competition. ***
*Fundraisers- everyone is requited to help out at fundraisers, you must sign up for a spot to volunteer. If
you sign up and an emergency comes up and you must miss your shift, you are responsible for finding
coverage. If you do not find coverage or make a reasonable effort to, or do not communicate you that you
will miss your shift, you will miss the next competition.