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Curriculum and Program Review Process

Every instructional area in St. Louis Park Public Schools undergoes a three year (three phrase) curriculum review and design process. In this process, teacher leaders measure previous success and determine next steps within each curricular areas to achieve racial equity transformation in alignment with the strategic plan. Once the design of an instructional area is complete, the cycle begins again after 5 years to ensure St. Louis Park Public Schools curriculum is continually aligned with state standards and strategic priorities.

Phase 1:
Looking Inward 

Know Thy Self

  • Teacher Self-Reflection: Teachers reflect on their instructional practices and identify areas for improvement.
  • Examination of Disaggregated Data: The team analyzes student data broken down by various demographics to identify achievement gaps and areas for improvement.
  • Listening and Reflecting upon Student Voice and Community Input: The team actively seeks input from students and the community to understand their perspectives and needs.
  • Unpacking Standards Driven by Racial Equity Purpose Statements: The team examines the relevant standards and aligns them with the district's racial equity transformation goals.
  • Intersection of International Baccalaureate (IB), Advanced Placement (AP), & Immersion & Culturally Relevant Pedagogy (CRP): The team explores how IB,AP, immersion programs, and CRP intersect and can contribute to achieving racially equitable learning environments.
  • Engaging in Courageous Conversations: The team fosters open dialogue and discusses sensitive topics related to student learning, race, equity, and education.

Phase 2:
Looking Around

Distinguish Knowledge from Foolishness

  • Researching and Visiting Regional, National, and International Exemplars: The team explores exemplary programs and schools that have achieved success in culturally relevant pedagogy, content-specific pedagogy, and technology enrichment.

  • Engaging Scholars of Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: The team learns from scholars who specialize in culturally relevant pedagogy to gain valuable insights and strategies.

  • Establishing Criteria for Adopting New Materials (Pilot Curriculum): The team sets criteria for evaluating and adopting new instructional materials, ensuring they align with the district's racial equity goals.

  • Engaging in Courageous Conversations: The team continues to have open and honest conversations, addressing challenges and exploring innovative solutions.

Phase 3:
Looking Outward

Built for Eternity

  • Developing Content Area Belief Statements: The team formulates belief statements that guide the development of curriculum and program changes.
  • Adopting New Curriculum with Fidelity or Engaging in Curriculum Writing: Based on the recommendations from the previous years, the team either adopts new curriculum materials or engages in curriculum writing to meet the district's racial equity goals.
  • Establishing Collaborative Team and Professional Development Plans: The team collaborates with colleagues and develops professional development plans to support the implementation of new curriculum and program changes.
  • Developing 3, 5, and 8-Year Benchmarks: The team sets benchmarks to track the progress and effectiveness of the curriculum and program changes over time.
  • Engaging in Courageous Conversations: The team continues to foster a culture of open dialogue and reflection as they finalize their recommendations.

Redesign Schedule

Curriculum and Program Redesign Information

Scholars who Influenced our Curriculum Design Model

Dr. Gloria Ladson-Billings, Culturally Relevant Pedagogy: Asking a Different Question

Dr. Jo Boaler, Mathematical Mindsets: Unleashing Students’ Potential Through Creative Math, Inspiring Messages and Innovative Teaching

Dr. Yvette Jackson, The Pedagogy of Confidence: Inspiring High Intellectual Performance in Urban Schools

Paul Sandrock, The Essentials of World Languages, Grades K-12

Get Involved

Join the District Instructional Programs Advisory Council (DIPAC) and become actively involved in the process.

DIPAC Application